Thursday, May 1, 2014

    As I have stated before the majority of Kurds are Suni-Muslim. Although that is the majority of them, it is not all of them. around 2/3 of them are Suni-Muslim, while the other 2/3 are Shi`ite Muslim. I also stated in the history of the Kurds that most of the Kurdish people in Turkey follow the Islam ways. There are five major pillars to the Islam faith which are :

1.) Testimony of Faith
2.) Prayer
3.) Fasting
4.) Almsgiving
5.) Pilgrimage to Mecca  
     Let me lay it out for you in the Muslim language. Testimony of Faith is called Kalima. Prayer is called Salat. Fasting is called Bukhari. Almsgiving is called Zakat. Last, but not least, Pilgrimage to Mecca is called Hajj. It is a known thing that is the men and women have the money to go to Mecca, they should do so. 
    Here are some random facts about their religion. The Muslim faith does not allowed their followers to eat pork. When it is time to fast, they do not east in the day time, instead they east at night with family and friends at a gathering. During fasting there are different rules for children and pregnant women.
     Kurds are also followers of what is called the "Cult of Angels", which is a native Kurdish religion. Only a small percent of Kurds are Christian and Jewish.

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